Thursday, April 3, 2008

Since January!

I've been working on a Short Sale that is not with a Realtor since January. I saw it on Craigslist on Jan. 2 and called the guy immediately. We wrote up the contract and got it over to the servicer in less than two days.

That's when everything got screwy.

Once you get involved with the servicer or the bank, everything slows to a snails pace. I read here how to work it faster, but I've got the feeling that it would probably only help a little.

So after almost 4 months, the bank finally sent out for the BPO. I let the guy in, he got his info and I'm now hoping beyond hope that I'll hear something in the next few days.

Next time I'll just find out how much it is to reinstate the loan and move from there.

Lesson number 7584 learned.

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